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Coffee Technology Support Foundation

Soils and Leaves Laboratory

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Working for more than 40 years on behalf of the National Coffee Industry, the Soils and Leaves Laboratory of the Procafé Foundation has a highly specialized technical team that performs chemical analyzes with quality, speed and precision.


The Laboratory has a computerized system that allows the producer to access their results online anytime and anywhere.


Certified by the main quality control programs in Brazil, Profert and Esalq, Fundação Procafé issues analyzes with fully reliable results, generating savings and increased productivity for producers.

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Tabel e preços

Reference Table Sheets

Soils Reference Table


Note 1: This table refers to a soil of medium Texture and CTC ( 6-12 ).

Note 2: mg/dm³ = ppm ;  Cmol/dm³ =

Note 3: For Aluminum and H + Al, the lowest level condition is the most suitable, so the values are decreasing.

Âncora 1

Soil Sampling


The profitability of the coffee activity depends on obtaining good yields, which are obtained in fertile soils with a good balance between nutrients. In order to carry out a real and coherent chemical analysis of the soil, the first step is to carry out a correct soil sampling, because a poorly made sample generates a wrong result that will culminate in a correction and wrong fertilization, generating many losses. Below are some guidelines and in case of doubt, look for a qualified professional, in this case an Agronomist.


Divide the area into homogeneous stands of up to 10 ha . It is important that it has similar fertility, similar cultivation and similar soil color. The removal must be done according to the size of the plot, in general, collect samples from 10 to 20 points at a depth of 0 to 20cm and, if necessary, from 20cm to 40cm . These samples are called simple samples, which must be homogenized to form the composite sample, which must have approximately 500 grams that will be sent to the laboratory.

Attention Avoid:

Collect close to roads, tracks and fences, places where limestone, manure, coffee straw was deposited, also avoiding the proximity of water corridors, contour curves and associated places.


The most suitable for taking soil samples are the Trado and the Sonda. Hoe and Digger should be avoided. Bring a clean and suitable plastic bag and don't forget to take a pen to identify the samples, specifying the type of analysis to be performed and other important notes.


The sample collection point should always be in the fertilization range. In crops where fertilization is carried out mechanically, the collection must be carried out under the canopy. In crops where fertilization is performed manually at the crown projection, this sampling must be performed at the crown projection.


The sampling period must be carried out in a period equal to or greater than 60 days and/or 200 mm of rain after the last fertilization.

Leaf Sampling

amostragem folhas

An important tool in monitoring crop nutrition is foliar analysis, which identifies and corrects nutritional deficiencies in plants.

Indicated   to be carried out periodically, the most important thing is to be aware of the time and method of removing this sample, respecting the grace period of the last soil or leaf fertilization. Below are some guidelines, and in case of doubt, look for a qualified professional, in this case an Agronomist.


The leaf sample collection must be carried out in the same field where the soil sample was collected. The leaves collected must be healthy, free from pests and diseases, and normal without lesions and deformations.  Do not collect leaves from plants with isolated deficiencies or that do not represent the visual average of the crop. The sheets must be free of dirt, dust, mud, etc.


Use paper bags to collect the sheets and a pen to identify each sample. If you don't take them to the lab right away, put them in the bottom of the fridge, in the fruit drawer. Leaves cannot arrive more than 72 hours after collection in the laboratory.

Collection Form:

Remove leaves from the third or fourth pair in the middle third of the plants, collect 30 to 50 leaves per plot, depending on the size of the plot.


The prime time to remove a leaf sample is before the first soil and/or leaf fertilization is carried out. After this sampling, whenever there are doubts regarding deficiencies, new leaf samples must be taken. There is no minimum and maximum during an agricultural year, it is important that the nutrition of the plant is always monitored through foliar analysis.

Deposit details:
Dados Deposito

Coffee Technology Support Foundation

CNPJ: 04.420.652/0001-36

Bank of Brazil

Agency: 0032-9

Current Account: 32956-8

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