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Coffee Technology Support Foundation

Experimental Farm in Varginha

About the Farm

Located 3km from the city center of Varginha-Mg, it has a total area of 60ha, with 44ha of coffee plantations intended for experimentation, height of 980m and annual rainfall of 1400mm.

Research in Development

Genetic improvement – 63 experiments are installed to select and develop new coffee cultivars, occupying 50% of the experimental unit.

Pests and diseases – there are 28 research works looking for more efficient solutions for the control of the main diseases and pests that attack the coffee tree, always seeking greater productivity and profitability for the coffee grower.

Ecology and physiology -  15 field trials, with the objective of finding ways of sustainability in coffee production.

Nutrition – has 5 experiments on the farm, focusing on rational fertilization and nutritional balance of the crop.

Irrigation – 2 experiments installed to seek efficiency and rational use of water.

Crop treatments and crop management – 15 experiments evaluating different types of crop pruning, weed management, planting and crop formation, among others.

Total of 128 experiments in conduct

Farm Structure

  • Greenhouses for seedling acclimatization

  • Greenhouses for conducting tests

  • Offices

  • Coffee drying and processing structures

  • Weather station and health warnings


(35) 98857-3900

(35) 3214-1411

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1:30 pm to 6 pm

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