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Coffee Technology Support Foundation

Affiliated Fields

The fields with agreements make it possible to expand the Foundation's experimental network,  encompassing the different representative coffee growing regions, in  its environmental diversity, thus making it possible to study the best adaptation of new technologies. Also  assist technicians in understanding  of the problems of regional coffee growing  and in exchanging knowledge local technicians. In the specific field of new varieties, it gives greater security to information, as they multiply the results.

Municipalities  of action

  • Araguari - MG

  • Carmo de Minas - MG

  • Carmo do Paranaíba-MG

  • Coromandel - MG

  • France - SP

  • Marshal Floriano - ES

  • Martins Soares - MG

  • Muzambinho - MG

  • Sponsorship - MG

  • São Domingos das Dores – MG

  • Victory of Conquest - BA

  • Varre-Sai-RJ



(35) 3214-1411

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8 am to 12 pm and from 1:30 pm to 6 pm

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