Book Coffee Culture in Brazil - Manual of Recommendations

This Book, in the form of a “Manual of Recommendations”, in a new 2020 edition, greatly expanded, with 728 pages, updated and well illustrated (in color), aims to increase and disseminate the knowledge base on all aspects of coffee culture, from its diagnosis, going through the climate and soil, the varieties, the implantation of coffee plantations, the cultural practices, the harvest, preparation and quality of the coffee and the management and production costs. This is its 10th edition and has the purpose of continuing to guide Technicians and Producers on the best use of technologies for coffee farming.
More productive coffee plantations, with better quality coffees, result in greater profitability, however, they need the hard work of the producer, in a well-oriented way and with the use of appropriate practices.
Brazilian coffee production has evolved a lot in the last 5 decades, crops have been renewed, new regions have emerged, as well as new systems of cultivation and management of treatments with a consequent increase in productivity and harvests, despite the climatic difficulties. Planting systems have changed to a greater number of plants/area, with adaptation to mountain areas and flat/mechanized areas. More productive, resistant and vigorous varieties emerged. The management of the treatments and the harvest were facilitated with the mechanization. Plant nutrition, weed and pest/disease control were made possible, efficiently and economically. Still, the greater use of pruning, irrigation and care in the preparation of quality coffees stand out.
A good part of these advances is due to the support given to the coffee production sector, by a specialized Technical Team working on the development and dissemination of more rational practices. The book is a basic instrument to support this Team, as it brings all the knowledge and experiences accumulated through research and work in the field with the coffee plantations.
“The purchase and consultation of the book will help to resolve doubts of those interested and, certainly, the book will be very useful for everyone who wants to improve, even more, their knowledge and their activities related to coffee farming.”
Unit value R$140.00 + Shipping
Advances in Brazilian Coffee Growing

The book “Avanços na Cafeicultura Brasileira” addresses the entire evolution of coffee culture in the country, from 1960 to the present. The material talks about the conditions of the past, how the crops were, their productivity and the harvests. It details the phases of eradication of coffee plantations, the work of renovating the crops with climate zoning, the opening of new regions and, also, the actions to control rust. It also presents the research mechanisms, technical assistance and credit used to stimulate producers. And, finally, it reaches the present day, exposing the technological advances incorporated in the crops and their reflexes in the evolution of the different coffee regions, with the consequent increase in productivity and Brazilian coffee crops.
The book was written by experienced technicians, who lived the day to day of this phase of transformation of our coffee production and, therefore, constitutes a unique and extremely important material for those who are interested in knowing what happened in the past and what is currently happening in the national coffee industry.
It is, therefore, a valuable source of consultation for technicians, producers, students, professors and others who want to know more about how and why Brazilian coffee production reached the level of world leader.
Get your copy now, it is worth knowing this fascinating story of hard work and achievements in favor of Brazilian coffee production.
Unit value R$30.00 + Shipping
The Modern Mountain Coffee Growing Book

The booklet “Modern mountain coffee farming” deals with all the practices for managing coffee plantations, with systems adapted to regions with sloping terrain, where mechanization is difficult and, therefore, with predominantly manual handling. It shows the importance of this coffee crop, in terms of the crops produced and its fundamental role in regional development, in areas without many agricultural options, due to the rugged topography of the land. Details the soil and climate conditions and altitudes indicated in the cultivation of different species of coffee trees. It presents the most rational recommendations for use by producers in the choice of spacing and varieties, in the preparation of the areas and in the phase of implantation of the coffee plantations. It ends by indicating the most appropriate treatments in the management of adult crops, such as weed control, fertilization, pruning, pest and disease control, and coffee harvesting and preparation.
The book was written by an experienced technician, who has always worked in mountain coffee growing regions, in the research and technological development sectors of this coffee culture, which, in its process of evolution and modernization, always needs to add new knowledge.
It is, therefore, a very useful material for technicians and producers interested in promoting improvements in mountain coffee plantations.
Get your copy, because you will surely enjoy a lot.